Week 8 Comments + Feedback

Overall, I think I have gotten really great comments/feedback on my stories! The critical feedback has been extremely helpful, but I've also been really proud of myself after reading some of the positive comments I've gotten so I'd say there's been a good balance. The more critical feedback is obviously more useful, and I've been surprised at how many good specific suggestions my classmates have given me - they've also thought of things and ways I could go in my story that I didn't think of myself.

I hope that some of the feedback I've given other students has been just as helpful as theirs has been to me. My favorite feedback strategy and the one I've continued to use is the WWW. Asking myself what wowed me, what do I wonder and what if this while I read other stories has definitely gotten my mind working and I think my comments definitely would've been a lot shorter without that.

I have found some blogs that I really enjoy thus far (that I've remember the names of the students) so that way I can go back to them later on in the semester. I'm looking forward to that!

I just want to continue giving WWW feedback and maybe try out the TAG strategy more since it's more broad. I hope that everyone else continues to do the same to me, because it's been helpful thus far and I've really appreciated everything they have to say.

I think that one important aspect of the feedback process is staying open-minded, because you might be surprised by some great feedback for your story that you didn't think of! Link here.


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