Week 11 Story: The Pangaea Races

The Pangaea Races

Late at night, whenever the zoo closes, the Pangaea Zoo came alive. All of the animals would roam free and had made friends with each other - but with that, some also became enemies. Specifically, the cheetahs and the tigers always fought each other; the zookeeper Eve, was beautiful, and Cheetah and Tiger were both in love with her. Eve couldn't decide between the two, so one day she decided that they should race each other, and whoever won, she would marry.

So one clear night, once the zoo had closed for the night and all the visitors had left, Cheetah and Tiger got in their places. They were going to start at the elephant exhibit, and go around the Earth as far as Pangaea went until they got back into the zoo.

"I'm the fastest animal in the zoo," Tiger scoffed. 

"The zoo?" Cheetah laughed in his face. "I'm the fastest animal in the entire land...and that includes the zoo."

They stood at the starting line, Eve in-between them. And in the next second, they were off. Immediately, Cheetah was in the lead but Tiger didn't go without a fight. He stayed on Cheetah's tail all day long, but once night fell, Tiger started to become tired. 

The next morning, Tiger was well-rested and set off again. Cheetah had finally decided to take a break, and while he was eating an antelope nearby, Tiger passed him. He was shocked; how was he able to pass him? But he kept going and didn't stop again until he slept that night. After days of going back and forth of who was in the lead, the seventh day came. 

Tiger and Cheetah were neck and neck, pushing with the last amount of energy they each had. They could see the sign for the Pangaea Zoo in the distance, and Eve was waiting right there at the finish line. In the last instant - they came in at a tie. 

"I can't believe it!" Eve said. What am I supposed to do now? she thought. She couldn't marry both of them...so for now, she decided to stay single. 

Cheetah vs Tiger. Link here

Author's Note: In The Race Between the Crane and the Hummingbird, the Hummingbird and the Crane were both in love with the same woman. She loved the Hummingbird more, who was handsome, and the Crane was awkward, but so persistent. In order to get rid of the Crane, she told him that he must challenge the Hummingbird to a race and that she would marry the winner. She knew that the Hummingbird was as fast as lightning and that the Crane was slow and heavy, so she felt sure of her decision.

They agreed to start flying from her house and go around the circle of the world. The Hummingbird darted off and was soon out of sight, leaving the Crane in the dust. He flew all day and stopped at night to rest, knowing he was far ahead. But the Crane continued throughout the night and didn't stop until sunrise, when he stopped at a creek to rest and eat some tadpoles. When the Hummingbird awoke and continued flying, he passed the creek and wondered how the Crane ever passed him but continued on and soon lost him again. This went back and forth for several days, but the Crane ended up winning the race. When the Hummingbird arrived the next afternoon to find out he had lost the race, the woman had already declared she would never marry someone as ugly as the Crane. So she stayed single. 

I decided to keep the plot mostly the same but change it so that the zookeeper didn't seem as shallow as the woman in the original story (just because the Crane was ugly). I also wanted to make it more interesting because both Cheetah and Tiger are fast, so I made it a tie and kept the ending the same (she stayed single)!

 The Race Between the Crane and the Hummingbird in Myths of the Cherokee by James Mooney (1900).


  1. Hi Lauren! This was a fun and interesting read! I like how you remained true to the original story's plot but changed it up a bit by converting the characters to a cheetah and tiger. Moreover, adding the setting of Pangea as the venue for the race made perfect sense since it was a race around the world with two land animals. Great story!

  2. Hi Lauren!
    I thought it was interesting that you set the story in a zoo. I thought it was kind of funny that the plot involved the zookeeper letting really dangerous animals out of the zoo. At first, this story reminded me of the tortoise and the hare story but it was interesting to see that the tiger and cheetah tied in your story. I kind of wish the ending felt a little more dramatic but overall, nice story.

  3. Hi Lauren! Nice job on this story! Your writing does a really nice job of describing the animals, so I am able to picture everything happening in my head. I also think that you employed dialogue in a very effective way throughout the story. This made it more interesting to read, and gave your characters more life. Your author’s note is also very thorough, and it gave me some good background information about the original story. Good work!

  4. Hey Lauren,

    First off, I think you did a great job of altering the original story while keeping the main plot. The story flowed very well, and it was a smooth read. You did a fantastic job with paragraph spacing- allowing an easy transition from each speaker or paragraph theme. I was a little upset by how the story had ended, but once I read the author's note it made sense. In the first paragraph though, I think it would have been interesting to add how Eve felt about the Cheetah and the Tiger. There's no mention of her feelings or thoughts about them, so it sounds like she doesn't really care too much about either of them (I hope I make sense- I haven't finished my coffee). Overall, I really enjoyed reading your story! You're a very talented writer.

  5. Hello Lauren,

    What a great story! I really admire your storytelling ability in the way that you were able to take this original story and make it your own. I think that through your storytelling ability you've revitalized this story and given it a new feel. The characters are more vibrant, the story is more fun to read and overall i enjoyed this much more than the original. Great work!

  6. Hi Lauren! This was such a unique concept and I loved the idea of this story being initially set in a zoo. Madagascar was one of my favorite movies as a kid so this was definitely a fun read. I was totally expecting the cheetah to win considering he is generally regarded as the fastest animal. When the tiger took the lead, I thought this might become like the tortoise and the hare where there was an unexpected winner. I for sure didn't expect there to be no winner at all!

  7. Hey Lauren! Your story for this week was really fun and interesting to read! I like that you took the original story and added some more modern elements to it to make it a little more relatable to us. I have to say I was really expecting the cheetah to win the race because cheetahs are so fast, and so much faster than tigers in general. I'm glad though that it was a tie, because it would have been too weird to see a human end up with an animal. Great job this week!


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