Week 6 Lab: Writer's Write

Fantasy Book Title Generator was one of my favorite articles I read because it's about something that I have always struggled with myself... coming up with titles. Especially for this class. I have also gotten a comment on my comment wall about coming up with a more interesting title for my portfolio, so I thought this writing lab article would be beneficial now and later on in this course for me. 

I thought that this was a fun way to come up with some creative titles for some of my past and future portfolio stories, so I also wanted to bookmark it up at the title. It also goes more into detail about the sub-genres including children's fantasy, fairy tale retellings, medieval fantasy, etc. 

Another article that I read that I enjoyed was Why All Aspiring Novelists Need a Vision Board. This stood out to me because I would consider myself a visual learner and I think that planning ideas with a visual aid would be something that I could benefit from as well. They can help you work through ideas, characters and even with creating a plot - as the article says, take time away from words and immerse yourself in visuals. 

Make Anything Happen: A Creative Guide to Vision Boards, Goal Setting, 
and Achieving the Life of Your Dreams by Carrie Lindsey. This is a book I found 
online that also talks about vision boards that I would like to read one day! Link here


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