Reading Notes: Aesop's Winter #2

Bibliography: The Bees and Wasps, and the Hornet by Aesop, Aesop's Fables (Winter)

This story was about how once, honey was found in a tree. The wasps decided that it was theirs, but the Bees disagreed - it was theirs. They got into such a bad argument about it that they knew they wouldn't be able to settle it without some sort of battle. Basically, they took it to court... Wasp and Bee court, so a judge to decide whose it was. And who is the judge? The Hornet.

They went into court, and the witnesses could only describe seeing yellow and black striped, winged creatures around the tree, who hummed... like Bees. But the defense for the Wasps came back and said that is also the description for his client. 

The Hornet didn't come to a decision and adjourned the court to come back after he could think more about it. Six weeks later, both sides had even more witnesses than before. Now, an Ant was about to go up on the stand. But first, a wise Bee stood up.

"It's been six weeks, and the honey is about to not even be good anymore," he said. "The Bees and Wasps should both have to build a honey comb to see who it belongs to." When the Wasps groaned at this idea, it became very clear to the judge whose honey it was - they obviously couldn't build a honey comb. 

I like how this story has a greater lesson - ability proves itself by deeds. I agree with this, and have always been a firm believer that actions speak louder than words, which is proved here as well. In my story, I definitely want there to be a good lesson learned in it. I could make this story relate back to the Kardashians because Kim Kardashian is currently studying to be a lawyer, so I could rewrite the story with her as one of the Bee or Wasp's lawyer and I think it would be fun. 

Bees vs Wasps... also thought the description of each 
was accurate and matched with the story. Link here


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