Reading Notes: Aesop's Winter #1

Bibliography: The Tortoise and the Ducks from Aesop's Winter 

The myth is that the tortoise was punished by Jupiter for not going to his wedding and staying home instead. So, Jupiter decided to forever make him be at home and even wear it on his back (his shell). 

The tortoise eventually began to regret not attending the wedding. He saw other animals and wished that he could live as freely as they did - but he couldn't, because he always had his home on his back. He couldn't move as much as other animals, or run like they could. 

Except one day, the tortoise met some ducks and told them all about his dilemma. The ducks told him that they could help him, and that all he had to do was hold a stick with his mouth and they could help carry him up the hill to see the view. They also told him to be quiet though, or he'd be sorry. I thought this part was a good cliff-hanger, because it's a story about ducks and a tortoise, so what could he possibly be sorry about if he wasn't quiet? I thought maybe he'd get eaten by an animal or something. A good cliff-hanger is definitely something I will want to incorporate in my story. 

But the tortoise was grateful for any help at all and listened to them, as they flew up the hill. A crow flew by as this was happening and was shocked, saying, "wow!" and that he must be the king of all the tortoises. 

The tortoise opened his mouth to tell him that he was certainly the king of tortoises, but of course, he lost hold of the stick and fell to the ground. He splat on some rocks. 

A cute turtle. Link here 

I thought this story was fun to read, mostly because of the cliff-hanger and to see what was going to happen- because I didn't expect it. The underlying theme of this story is that foolish curiosity and vanity often lead to misfortune, and I definitely think that's a theme I can find within the Kardashian's lives as well.


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